Monthly Tutoring Services

The basic services I offer, along with their associated costs (billed on a monthly basis), are listed below. Note that prices are subject to change over time. It’s highly recommended that you purchase one of my starter packages before you enroll your student in monthly tutoring.

“Getting Started” bundle: $175

Before we start working together as outlined in one of the options above, I take my students and parents through a short “startup” process that involves the following:

  • Introductory meeting: This 30-minute session provides a time when we can sit down and discuss your student’s math education experiences to date, as well as the goals you’d each like to achieve during our time working together. It also gives you and your student an opportunity to assess how it might feel to work together. If you choose to continue, we’ll set up initial tutoring sessions. If for some reason it doesn’t feel like a good fit, and you choose not to continue, there’s no charge for the introductory meeting.

  • Baseline assessment (optional): I can provide you and your student with a short assessment quiz. The work shared through this quiz will help me target my tutoring more effectively. If your student is uncomfortable or experiences anxiety around taking a quiz, just let me know. I can then adjust our initial two working sessions accordingly (i.e., so I can perform an in-person, interactive assessment that’s more interactive).

  • Initial tutoring sessions: I’ll work with your student during two 60-minute tutoring sessions to kick things off. This will help me get a sense of their learning style, what makes them comfortable, their strengths and opportunities for growth.

  • Assessment report: After the initial working sessions, I’ll provide you with a report on what I see in terms of strengths and opportunities, and you can decide whether or not you’d like to continue working together. If you choose to move forward, then we can discuss which service feels most appropriate for your student, set up regular meetings, and get going!