Customized one-on-one math tutoring that meets your learner where they are
For ongoing tutoring, I primarily offer sessions at two different frequencies (once and twice a week). However, I am happy to work with you to design a program with another frequency in order to best achieve your student’s learning goals.
Everything I do is customized based on the needs of your learner, which can include:
Gaps that need to be filled from past years
Assistance with ongoing school work
Areas where your student wants to get ahead
I recommend a minimum of four sessions to get things started. This duration provides me with an opportunity to get to know the student and their learning style, to identify gaps and opportunities and to attempt to develop a rapport. It also provides your learner with enough time to get comfortable and learn about my teaching style.
Satisfaction guaranteed
I work very hard to provide an experience that’s tailored to the needs of each student, and to do so in an environment that’s conducive to learning, where kids feel safe making mistakes and growing in the process. I also want you to feel good about working with me. Sometimes, though, things just aren’t the right fit, so if you’re not satisfied with my services after four sessions, I’ll refund 50% of your payment.